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Free RandyBlue gay porn video

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Video provided by: RandyBlue
Video description: Brett Swanson has an amazing intensity about him. He flashes that smile and you see him as an adorable guy who looks like he would probably be a great lay. But nothing prepares you for the sheer amount of energy this guy has. He fucks like sex is the most important thing in his life and he's not only enjoying it but he's making sure you do too. His lean, smaller frame is accentuated with a tight musculature that gives him such a sexy look, both naked and clothed. Pairing him up with someone of equal intensity was only natural and Topher DiMaggio was the best guy for the job. He's incredibly handsome with a smooth, lean body that looks so beautiful as it's slamming up against Brett's. Topher's sexual appetite is ravenous and is something he prides himself on. I swear he could go all night if he wanted and still be horny the next day. I love watching him fuck because he goes from wild pounding to soft, sensual strokes in a heartbeat. And I find it really hot the way he looks deep into the eyes of the guy he's penetrating, making a mental, physical and sexual connection with him. These two going at it together is really something to see, and so is all the cum they both spurt over Brett's sexy body.

Duration: 04:50 min
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