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Free ActiveDuty gay porn video

Free ActiveDuty video. Download now !
Video provided by: ActiveDuty
Video description: Max really seems like such a down-to-earth, friendly dude. Mark my words, if we can coax Max into coming back to us and mixing things up with a fellow recruit (of a few), we'll have some awesome results. He's so likeable and mellow, the sort of guy that doesn't take himself too seriously. Just what we like to see here! Once Claude fires up a dirty movie and gives max the green light, we do see a little reticence. This is healthy, I think, and we'll be privileged ( I hope!) to see a promising new recruit blossom from optimistic caterpillar to fluttering butterfly very soon. When that dick comes out, Max gets to cranking. It's his first time, like I said, and we see him a little stiff here. I enjoyed seeing his feet while on the couch. He has nice, long feet that I'm sure are big helpers when he's wrestling with competitors in the ring. Next, we have Max thrusting his hard cock into some pillows on the couch. Boy, what a nice, athletic ass. I can certainly imagine those muscular cheeks taking some punishment from a strong, top-end soldier!

Duration: 05:16 min
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